Wednesday 18 November 2009

The greatest discovery ever?

I have decided to create a blog to catalog my progress as I refine an ability I seem to poses but first I expect you will want to know who I am and where I come from...

My name is Owen (no last name I never give it out online at least not normally) I live in a 1 bedroom flat in the town of Outertwistle (don't bother looking for it on a map you won't find it). its mostly terrace houses, a few schools and the shops (yeah there's civic buildings but I cant be bothered to mention them).
I work in a small shop that sells TVs and other electrical junk telling idiots (like most of you) if the "big" TV or the "skinny" TV is better to buy.
now on to my discovery. last week I was leaving work when my boss Mr. Lambada said he needed me to work overtime (this was not unusual but it still pissed me off), I walked past him and imagined slitting his throat (dont take me the wrong way I wouldn't actually kill him it was just a bad day) the second I imagined this the dude fell over and screamed. in the end he told me he had had a vision of himself getting killed and that I could take a week off if I needed it, full pay too. (this guy is a lunatic he thinks everyone is out to kill him)

anyway I tested a little and found that if I make eye contact for just a second I can force my own mental images into someone elses mind, so for instance I pass a woman in the street, look her in the eye and imagine myself tripping over. she would see me trip over but it never happened physicly only in our minds. I can tell when I have forced because there is a bright white flahs that lasts just a few miliseconds.

that should be enough of an introduction I will update tomorrow about a small "project" I have planned....

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